138 Ford Street, LaBelle, Florida



First, let us welcome you. If you are exploring or searching for a new church, or maybe you are first time attendee, we hope that you find our church to be a family friendly and a peaceful place for you to worship the Lord.
Many people are hesitant to attend an unfamiliar church. To set aside any apprehensions you may have, let us explain what you can expect when you visit the First Christian Church of LaBelle.

Openness and Acceptance
We are ordinary people. We are not free of struggles, and know that we are not perfect.  We believe that there is a God who loves us in spite of our imperfections and who, as we submit ourselves to him, recreates us from the inside out. Jesus made it clear that his followers were not to be judgmental toward others (Matthew 7:1-5). Therefore, we welcome everyone just as they are, inviting them to join us in our quest to know God and his will more perfectly.

Courtesy and Respect
At the First Christian Church of LaBelle, you will be treated as an honored guest, with the hopes that you may join us. You will be given the opportunity—at your own pace—to learn about God and the Bible and to participate with others in worship and fellowship activities.
Simplicity and Sincerity
Our service is simple and easy to understand. We offer the sincere expression of our hearts in worship. Our music consists of “psalms and hymns and spiritual songs” of a traditional nature. On Sunday morning we start with Sunday School at 9:45 a.m. and hold Worship at 11:00 a.m.
At First Christian we are an Open Communion Church, meaning that we believe that everyone is welcome at the table to receive Holy Communion. During the service we take up a free-will offering in our services. This provides an opportunity for those who have committed themselves to membership to support the work of this congregation. We do not ask non-members to financially support our work, but hope that you feel the need and importance of what we do. Please stop in and visit, and  may the good Lord hold you in the hollow of His hand and give you peace.